Monday, August 30, 2010


  • What are all of the different Gods?
  • In what areas of the world are different Gods worshiped the most?
    • This map shows the regions of the world where the majority of the population is either Christian, Islam, Buddist, Hindu, or Jewish.
  • How do Gods impact peoples lives?
  • What is the God/Religion that most people believe in?
    • 1) Christians - 2,116,909,552 (which includes 1,117,759,185 Roman Catholics, 372,586,395 Protestants, 221,746,920 Orthodox, and 81,865,869 Anglicans)

      2) Muslims - 1,282,780,149

      3) Hindus - 856,690,863

      4) Buddhists - 381,610,979
  • What are some controversies that beliefs in different gods cause?
    • Wars are caused from belif in different religions-
  • What is the definition of a god?
    • any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force...\

1 comment:

  1. Greek and Roman mythology believed in many different gods. In today's world the most common god I can think of are just "God", "Allah", "Budda", "Ganesh"and "Vishnu". There are even theories about aliens being godlike and we are energy forces in their "garden" that they feed off.

    "God" of any sort is part of believing in a higher power which is what religion and spirituality seems to be based upon. A higher power gives many people a purpose and guidlines in which to live which gives one's life more structure and meaning.

    When I think of God I think of heaven, or afterlife in general. I'd be interested to know how different religions view death in relation to God.
