Monday, August 30, 2010


  1. What is the definition of prayer?
  2. Why do people pray?
  3. What are some common prayers?


  • What are all of the different Gods?
  • In what areas of the world are different Gods worshiped the most?
    • This map shows the regions of the world where the majority of the population is either Christian, Islam, Buddist, Hindu, or Jewish.
  • How do Gods impact peoples lives?
  • What is the God/Religion that most people believe in?
    • 1) Christians - 2,116,909,552 (which includes 1,117,759,185 Roman Catholics, 372,586,395 Protestants, 221,746,920 Orthodox, and 81,865,869 Anglicans)

      2) Muslims - 1,282,780,149

      3) Hindus - 856,690,863

      4) Buddhists - 381,610,979
  • What are some controversies that beliefs in different gods cause?
    • Wars are caused from belif in different religions-
  • What is the definition of a god?
    • any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force...\